All sessions are listed in Eastern Time. 


  • Date:
  • Time: -
  • Track: Clinical Practice
  • CME/CE: 1 - AMA Credits, AAFP Prescribed Credits, ABIM MOC Credits, CMD Clinical Credits, Nursing Credits, Pharmacy Credits, Social Work Credits
  • Q & A: Chat

Sponsored by the Cardiovascular Diseases and Aging Special Interest Group
Moderator: Min Ji Kwak, MD, MS, DrPH

Management of atrial fibrillation (Afib) can be challenging in older adults due to co-existing complex multimorbidity causing therapeutic competition, polypharmacy and the socioeconomic burdens of aging. Learning Objectives: (1) review the epidemiology, diagnosis and pathophysiology of Afib; (2) acknowledge that Afib requires a multi-dimensional care strategy; (3) discuss the current evidence for pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic intervention for Afib; and (4) describe disparity and inequity issues in access to care for Afib as well as strategies to resolve these issues.

Epidemiology of Afib Among Older Adults
Inma Hernandez, PharmD, PhD
Atrial Fibrillation and Cognitive Impairment: Causation, Association, or an Epiphenomenon
Ashok Krishnaswami, MD, MAS
Age-Friendly Pharmacologic Approach to Stroke Prevention in Afib 
Margaret C. Fang, MD, MPH
Age-Friendly Non-Pharmacologic Approach in Afib Management
Larry R. Jackson II, MD, MHSc

Pharmacy and Social Work credit types are available for live participation only. Attendees may claim a maximum of 26.25 pharmacy contact or social work credit hours.